In the mood to continue this story :)
So this is the random thing before I get to the pdkt-not pdkt fiasco... :D
I graduated in june.. Got a job in september and the graduation ceremony is on october... So from june till october I didn't meet him at all.. It's not that I have to meet him or anything.. We still chat, we still tease each other and I still tell him everything.. but I kinda want to see him so when it's time for the gladi resik of the ceremony, I'm a little excited to see him.. Hmm how can I explain that day in english.. Indonesia-english mode dulu deh hahahaha
Okay so the gladi resik, what was he thingking... We act like 2 strangers and just say hi and that's it.. He's too busy with his friends... Seball!! Tp tentunya act cool besides my (ex) boyfriend was there.. It's just that, we were so close in ym but when we met it's like hmmm we do have chemistry, but it' like we're holding back to be best friends in real life.. Doesn't make any sense isn't it? Oh well, only you read this ya un :p
anyway, ya bgitulah... Lagi really not in the mood to continue berhubung ni post udah di anggurin beberapa lama.. Jd itu dulu aja daripada di delete kan sayang hahahaha...
gerbera_iris at BlackBerry®
Jan 22, 2010
Jan 21, 2010
Upcoming post..
So to remain my self what's to post next.. *why do my posts start with 'so' anyway?? WeirrDdddd*
# a very old story part III
# how God gives me this 'unique' and freakin weird friends
# how es**e **u**r skincare damaged my face :( *alergy!!! Probably*
# mac ligthful ultra moisture cream review
Hope I can finish it!!!!
gerbera_iris at BlackBerry®
# how God gives me this 'unique' and freakin weird friends
# how es**e **u**r skincare damaged my face :( *alergy!!! Probably*
# mac ligthful ultra moisture cream review
Hope I can finish it!!!!
gerbera_iris at BlackBerry®
Jan 18, 2010
Benefit Silky Finish Lipstick in "Rocket Pop" Review
My First Real Review!!
For ages i always love lipstick.. I've tried from a mid/low end brand lipstick like oriflame to a high end brand lipstick like chanel or dior. I never settle to a shade in lipstick, always changing color from peach to pink and even bright orange (never red i don't know why :p). I also never finish a lipstick, I'm a lipstick adventurer :D
so eventough i love them, i never have an HG lipstick. Until one day my mom came home from Singapore and gave me a Benefit Silky Finish Lipstick in "Rocket Pop" and i just instantly fall in love.
- The lipstick texture is smooth and silky and It goes on very creamy in my lips i really love i. you wouldn't even have to use a lip balm before this and your lips will never feel dry *NEVER*. maybe because it's so creamy cons : it doesn't stay long in your lips maybe because it's so creamy..
- The color is so very pigmented, for Rocket Pop the color is dark rose that can make your lips look full and naturally pigmented once you use it.. The color is also buildable from sheer to very pigmented.
- I try Using it with a brush, i like it but not as much as i like the usual traditional way on using lipstick lol
- I LOVE THE COLOR!!! rocket pop had a very beautiful shade..
- The finishing result got a slight shine but no shimmer *love it*
- a little bit in the pricey side. In singapore the price is around S$ 32 . expensive if you compare it to MAC lipstick which cost merely S$26
On the cons side, this lipstick finish very quickly. one lipstick only for like 3 months more less, i don't know if i use it to barbaric but it finish too soon! i'm in my fourth rocket pop lipstick now and got only one backup.. i so cannot life without this lipstick hahahahaha
I'm still a lipstick adventurer but i will always have this as my HG and something that will never go wrong *wink*
Overall Rating : 4.5/5 ( .5 cut : pricey stuff for something that finish so fast!)
Will buy again : Definitely
*sorry for the not so good pics :p
Jan 15, 2010
ending a relationship..
oh i almost forget to post this!!!
2 days a go, my boyfriend and i talking about how it was easier to go through a break-up when we're in the side that called it off.. he's saying that cause he tried both :D and then he said "it's the same for you, you called it quits so it's easier for you than for your ex". well at that time i agree with him.. until i look back..
breaking up with somebody is always devastating. even when you're in the side who called it quits.. at that time is not that it was easier for me but i just feel numb.. i cannot feel anything, i did cried for an hour exactly the next day.. but after that it's just numb.. i feel nothing.. not hate.. not hurt.. not pain.. nothing.. so it's not easier i guess, it's just like you don't have anything to feel.. thank god i had a splendid friends then..
i don't remember if i tell him this or not??? heheheheh oh well.. selamat membaca sayang..
2 days a go, my boyfriend and i talking about how it was easier to go through a break-up when we're in the side that called it off.. he's saying that cause he tried both :D and then he said "it's the same for you, you called it quits so it's easier for you than for your ex". well at that time i agree with him.. until i look back..
breaking up with somebody is always devastating. even when you're in the side who called it quits.. at that time is not that it was easier for me but i just feel numb.. i cannot feel anything, i did cried for an hour exactly the next day.. but after that it's just numb.. i feel nothing.. not hate.. not hurt.. not pain.. nothing.. so it's not easier i guess, it's just like you don't have anything to feel.. thank god i had a splendid friends then..
i don't remember if i tell him this or not??? heheheheh oh well.. selamat membaca sayang..
My boyfriend thank you email to his company....
Dear All,
Hari ini saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih banyak kepada segenap keluarga besar I****at untuk pengalaman yang saya peroleh di sini dan pelajaran yang tentunya mendorong saya untuk berkarya lebih baik.
Setelah 3 tahun turut berkarya di I****at, banyak pengalaman yang baik maupun buruk tetapi seluruh pengalaman saya disini akan selalu menjadi salah satu kenangan yg paling saya hargai.
Merupakan suatu kebanggan untuk saya bergabung serta mengabdi selama 3 tahun di PT I****at Tbk khususnya keluarga besar IT Billing Project dan rasa terima kasih yang besar saya persembahkan untuk seluruh anggota keluarga I****at yang telah membimbing saya menjadi seorang insan gemilang.
Akhir kata izinkanlah saya menyampaikan beribu maaf atas segala kesalahan yang terjadi, baik lisan, tulisan maupun tindakan saya selama menjadi keluarga besar I****at.
Semoga I****at Selalu Menjadi yang terdepan dan sukses selalu
Terimakasih dan Sampai bertemu di lain kesempatan..
Best Regards,
So this is my boyfriend thank you letter when he resigned from his company yesterday.. and of course i made this for him.. i ask him to add his words a little bit and he just answer "udah kan tu.. best regards nya kan aku yg buat" hmm sure baby *rolling eyes...*
hehehehe but always lurvve you muchas beib...
and Hoping all the best for you sweetie..
gerbera_iris at BlackBerry®
Cheers dude!
Okay.. So I don't get it.. This guy thinks that he's the 'guy'.. You know, a guy who thinks that he's all that.. That every women wants him.. That every thing he done is amazing.. I'll admit that I know a couple of girls who think like that.. But did he really think I will feel the same way?? *indonesia mode :LOL:* iya gue curhat ma dia.. Iya gue minta nasehat dia... Tapi apa dengan kaya gitu trus gue harus fall head over heels gt ma dia?? Well that's freakin hilarious...
Nah sekarang? Kalo gue deket sama cowo laen, do he really need to act all jealous? Sementara dia ga punya hak to do that? Gue punya preference untuk crita ke org yg gue anggap nyaman.. Even my dearly beloved boyfriend aja ga masalah..
He really think kalo dia udah nguasain gue sama telah berhasil membuat gue jadi salah satu korban dia.. Well think again dude... It is so pathetic seeing him try to make me jealous while I feel nothing.. I don't care really tp it's start to bother me when he did it with my girl friends... Yes friends like 2 of my friends.. Sementara dia dan gue tau keadaan perasaan salah satu cewe ini yg lagi labil but nooo dia tetep 'gangguin' ni cewe.. Kadang I had enough with him.. His arrogance and everything.. Thank god I had this other friend kalo buat crita2...
He need to realize that he's not all that.. Dan dia harus sadar that this time he played a player, and he lose...
I never played a guy friend, but I'm good at manipulating.. I know it's not something to be proud of but this skill is very usefull on dealing this kind of situation.. You know the situation where you make the guy think that you're soo lugu *apa ya bahasa inggrisnya hahahahah* and very depending on him ?? I'm good at that.. Very damn good :LOL: it even take my then-bestfriend-now-boyfriend almost 2 years to know my hidden ability... do I sound like a b**ch?? Well I didn't really intend to manipulate, I'm just that easy going with my guy friend...
Inti post ini sebenernya just to give shout out to that dude.. Just a little message, this time i made you believe that you're a better player than me.. I made you believe that I became a player because of you.. I made you believe that you're some kind of a role model... But in the end.. it's not me who act jealous and its not me who act all weird when I'm close to another person...
Cheers dude :)
Gosh this post really made me look like a b**ch!!!
gerbera_iris at BlackBerry®
Nah sekarang? Kalo gue deket sama cowo laen, do he really need to act all jealous? Sementara dia ga punya hak to do that? Gue punya preference untuk crita ke org yg gue anggap nyaman.. Even my dearly beloved boyfriend aja ga masalah..
He really think kalo dia udah nguasain gue sama telah berhasil membuat gue jadi salah satu korban dia.. Well think again dude... It is so pathetic seeing him try to make me jealous while I feel nothing.. I don't care really tp it's start to bother me when he did it with my girl friends... Yes friends like 2 of my friends.. Sementara dia dan gue tau keadaan perasaan salah satu cewe ini yg lagi labil but nooo dia tetep 'gangguin' ni cewe.. Kadang I had enough with him.. His arrogance and everything.. Thank god I had this other friend kalo buat crita2...
He need to realize that he's not all that.. Dan dia harus sadar that this time he played a player, and he lose...
I never played a guy friend, but I'm good at manipulating.. I know it's not something to be proud of but this skill is very usefull on dealing this kind of situation.. You know the situation where you make the guy think that you're soo lugu *apa ya bahasa inggrisnya hahahahah* and very depending on him ?? I'm good at that.. Very damn good :LOL: it even take my then-bestfriend-now-boyfriend almost 2 years to know my hidden ability... do I sound like a b**ch?? Well I didn't really intend to manipulate, I'm just that easy going with my guy friend...
Inti post ini sebenernya just to give shout out to that dude.. Just a little message, this time i made you believe that you're a better player than me.. I made you believe that I became a player because of you.. I made you believe that you're some kind of a role model... But in the end.. it's not me who act jealous and its not me who act all weird when I'm close to another person...
Cheers dude :)
Gosh this post really made me look like a b**ch!!!
gerbera_iris at BlackBerry®
Jan 13, 2010
so now people (what people??? hahahaha ) can access my blog through my new domain or hosting or what this thing called?? i can't believe i'm an IT graduate and can't figure out the name LOL..
now the blog can be access from
Thanks to my good friend the IT genius, Mudie!!!!! i want to put your link but your blog hasn't finish yet :p
so enjoy.. i hope i write more!!!
now the blog can be access from
Thanks to my good friend the IT genius, Mudie!!!!! i want to put your link but your blog hasn't finish yet :p
so enjoy.. i hope i write more!!!
Jan 12, 2010
update : arrgghhh!! another wishlist that i'm craving :D
so.. i have this annual craving for make up like this one and so let's start this YEAR
MONTH craving!!!! * hope somebody read this and nice enough to buy me some LOL *

That is my wishlist!!! order descending from super badly to just simply want it LOL why didn't i buy this when i went to Singapore you people ask?? cause i'm stupid and i don't really want those stuff when i'm there hehehehe *excuses excuses excuses* besides the lillyland collection haven't even come out yet.. so if i win a lottery or some quiz show *i really should start buying lottery ticket or sign up to a game show* i'll get those stuff easily or if my paycheck is like 100 gaziillion a month then i also get those stuff.. and i think my boyfriend will let me buy some if i don't already have this line up
picture courtesy to Makeupalley, MAC, Temptalia, polyvore
- PearlMatte eyeshadow from MAC in Lillyland collection
- Mac Brush
- MAC Blot Powder in Medium Dark
- MAC Mineralize Eyeshadow Quad in Odd Bits
- Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil in covet, electric, flipside or deviant
- Make Up For Ever HD Primer #6 Yellow Sample
- Make Up Fore Ever HD Concealer

That is my wishlist!!! order descending from super badly to just simply want it LOL why didn't i buy this when i went to Singapore you people ask?? cause i'm stupid and i don't really want those stuff when i'm there hehehehe *excuses excuses excuses* besides the lillyland collection haven't even come out yet.. so if i win a lottery or some quiz show *i really should start buying lottery ticket or sign up to a game show* i'll get those stuff easily or if my paycheck is like 100 gaziillion a month then i also get those stuff.. and i think my boyfriend will let me buy some if i don't already have this line up
MAC brush #219 SEarrived!
- ELF Studio Powder Brush
- ELF Studio Corrective Concealer
- Burt's Bees Acne Solution Spot Treatment
- Burt's Bees Acne Solution Moisturizing lotion
- Everyday Minerals Base Golden Medium semi matte Sample
Everyday Minerals Base Buttered tan matte Samplecanceled
- Monistat soothing gel for primer
picture courtesy to Makeupalley, MAC, Temptalia, polyvore
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