Apr 30, 2009

Piece of today's weird thoughts

I don't remember if I ever write about this but oh well this is my blog and I can write anything I want hahaha..
3 days a go was our 2 years and 2 months anniversary (I don't know if that was categorised as anniversary or not :p) and just reminded my self how much I wanted to be treated romantically just because.. You know just because he loves me or just because I'm special or something like that, Treated romantically without any occasion. It's not that he's not romantic, I still can remember the special thing he does.. But sometimes I just want the big gesture, I just want him doing the spontaneity of being romantic. Am I making any sense at all?? LoL..
Anyway, 2 years is not that long right? But enough to turn down the big romantic gesture, not totally erased it just more less than usual. It's not just him, happen to me also I guess.. But my reason is like if I want to do something romantic to him it's usually something I want him to do to me and if I really go through it and do that romantic thing to him, I bet in a million years he won't do the same thing to me (I know cause I ask him about this hahaha) maybe other thing but not the kind I did.. So I just don't do it. I know its kinda lame and selfish but I am just a girl!! LoL


gerbera_iris at BlackBerry®

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