Nov 13, 2010


Notice : if you're My Boyfriend/ fiancee/ soon-to-be-husband.. pleasee.. pleaasseee don't read this post :D mi love you so much ebiiii but seriously stop reading now!!

so this is like upcoming makeup that will come in the next 2 months. so freakin excitedd *happydance*.

1. MAC MSF Stereo Rose

This is a Freakin Stereo Rose!!! the one that sold out in a couple hours @ the urban legend MSF .... the MAC Myth!!!  and i got it!!! well it's on the way, tikijne kinda messed up my address so they have to re-send it.. still happy though :D Brand New and i got it for $38, kinda high from the original price but definitely not as ridiculous as ebay price which is now almost  reach $100, that's just freakin' crazy, i mean i love my make up with a passion but an MSF for 1 million rupiah is just outrageous not to mention ridiculous..
anywhoooo, the stereo rose had arrived!!! it's kinda frosty but i don't regret buying it :D

2. Mac A Tartan Tale Stuff

so after much much much debating (with the fiancee) what to get on this MAC collection just because i-want-it-all-cause-i'm-in-love-with-the-plaid debacle, i decided to get
  • 6 Beauties Play It Cool Palette
  • Sweep Me of My Feet Brush set
  • Dazzle The Lads Lip Bag
He's going to buy me the brush set *yeay* , i will buy the palette and then i will used my Sing $ left over to buy the lip bag in Singapore when my mom goes there.. so why there are more picture than the product i'm planning to buy?


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