May 31, 2010

Tiba - tiba kangen.....

Kerja di isat bareng MySoonToBeHubby... Sebelum jadian kita udah sekantor cuma agak jauh emang gedungnya (ga agak doang si.. Satu thamrin satu kuningan, jauh gilaa) hmm sampe akhir nya isat bagian gue pindah ke gedung yg deket banget sama gedung dia... Jadilah kita suka pulang bareng kadang2... I think my circa 2007 blog is mostly about him :D oh those butterflies in your stomach , those awkward smile and awkward joke, those morning coffee.. me and him are best friend since college, I tell him everything and I mean EVERYTHING!!! We can tell each other anything and still joking around especially through chatting *oh how yahoo messenger change our life LOL*
Anyway kenapa jadi bahasa inggris gitu yak, ya campur2 aja lah ya....

Gue ampir 2 stengah taun di isat.. Dan almost 2 taunnya gue abisin being Ms. Reza Boer, Yes 'miss', In term or equal his girl friend... And now in 7 months I will be Mrs. Reza Boer (insyaAllah)... Geeezzz how time flies..

I still remember 'masa pdkt' that is freakin stupid :D well the fact that I don't know that dia lagi pdkt (eh dia pdkt ga si waktu itu??) Made it stupid and weird.. Tapi harusnya gue tau lah ya.. Dia suka nemenin gue pulang bareng naek busway padahal arahnya aaja beda.. Alasan dia si katanya mau nyoba naek busway, how stupid of a reason is that?? Tapi gue masi percaya aja si ya so the jokes on me hehehehe... Dia yg selalu ada tiap malem kalo gue mau curhat... Dia yg kalo di mintain download apapun ma gue always say yes tanpa alasan...

gerbera_iris at BlackBerry®

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