Aug 22, 2009

Wishlist that is freakin expensive! LOL

Yes I know I'm sooo bad at fullfilling my promises to finish the to be continued thing.. But I will do it as soon as possible!! I promise :D

Happy fasting and happy ramadhan everybody!!

Now let's start my new wish list!! Cause almost all my make up and skincare wishlist done (which I promise to share heheheh) :

1. Kate Spade Classic Noel Baby Bag which retail around IDR 5mio and FD Market plaza sell it for 3.5 (lapak nik)

Sampe skrg masih bingung pengen beli apa gak..beneran deh dilema.. That's expensive for me tapi ya kan emang ga tiap hari beli ts kaya gini and ga tiap hari juga ada po this pretty bag plus kan kemaren udah dikasi thr ma daddy *making excuses banget ga sih gue hahahaha* but I really want this bag.. Dilema dilema..

Update -- udah pesen waiting for confirmation!!!!

2. Ipod Touch

Okay..I have to admit something first before somebody think why the hell did I want a bag that cost so much when I can get a gadget like ipod touch hahahaha the problem is I already have an Ipod.. Ipod video 30 gigs that is.. And an N96 which also can play music with memory of 16 gigs.. Soo I don't know why I want this little gadget but I just do!!! It's touch screen and its just so niceeee..
Price : for 16gigs around IDR 3.2mio

update -- NO Ipod for me!! daddy and boyfriend said no ahhahahahahaha

Sooooo it will cost me a month and a half of my paycheck *gaji sebulan plus setengah gaji bulan depannya hahahahaha gilaaaa mungkin gue merelakan makan dan minum aja ya selama sebulan setengah itu hahahaahhaah stresssss :))

gerbera_iris at BlackBerry®

pics courtesy of mba maia FD..

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