Aug 24, 2009

puasa pertama di kantor baru..

okay okay!!! new post!!

so i'm really freakin thrilled!!!
  1. So i already order that sooo freakin gorgeous kate spade bag.. my first kate spade bag!!tapi belom sampe juga si, kayanya after tanggal 7 sept deh hehehe i order it from mba maia and ofcourse taunya juga dari FashioneseDaily . so excited cause i practically spent all my THR money into this bag hahahaha but i think it's fine cause i still have a lot of clothes *teuteuuppp nyari pembenaran hahahaha*
  2. I buy a soo sexieh heels with bow in the ankle.. and i think it will look great with my new kate spade hahahaha the shoes was from betsey Johnson!! freakin betsey johnson! hehe normally i so cannot afford that betsey shoes but they're having 60% off!! and i just can't resist.. i promise i wouldnt buy another shoes for lebaran kecuali yang udah di PO kan ga bisa dibatalin juga jadi itu udah terlanjur dan ga masuk itungan yaaa.. *and another pembenaran hahahah* oh i got the shoes on lapak FD juga nih.. bener2 meracuni ni FD hahaha but oh well kan emang pengen ya jadi bukan karena si FD juga ya ya ya.. * god how many pembenaran yg gue butuhkan ya hahahaha*
to be continued deh.. mau pulang ketemu apcar tercinta yg sedang gue sebelin cause i'm pmsing.. whatever!!! hahaha ga jelas abiossss..

-- update : okay 3 days later and belom gue lanjutin aja loh ahhahahaha langsung deh lanjutin diatas :p

--last update i promise! i give up updating this post, let's just move ooonn... hehehehe

Aug 22, 2009

Wishlist that is freakin expensive! LOL

Yes I know I'm sooo bad at fullfilling my promises to finish the to be continued thing.. But I will do it as soon as possible!! I promise :D

Happy fasting and happy ramadhan everybody!!

Now let's start my new wish list!! Cause almost all my make up and skincare wishlist done (which I promise to share heheheh) :

1. Kate Spade Classic Noel Baby Bag which retail around IDR 5mio and FD Market plaza sell it for 3.5 (lapak nik)

Sampe skrg masih bingung pengen beli apa gak..beneran deh dilema.. That's expensive for me tapi ya kan emang ga tiap hari beli ts kaya gini and ga tiap hari juga ada po this pretty bag plus kan kemaren udah dikasi thr ma daddy *making excuses banget ga sih gue hahahaha* but I really want this bag.. Dilema dilema..

Update -- udah pesen waiting for confirmation!!!!

2. Ipod Touch

Okay..I have to admit something first before somebody think why the hell did I want a bag that cost so much when I can get a gadget like ipod touch hahahaha the problem is I already have an Ipod.. Ipod video 30 gigs that is.. And an N96 which also can play music with memory of 16 gigs.. Soo I don't know why I want this little gadget but I just do!!! It's touch screen and its just so niceeee..
Price : for 16gigs around IDR 3.2mio

update -- NO Ipod for me!! daddy and boyfriend said no ahhahahahahaha

Sooooo it will cost me a month and a half of my paycheck *gaji sebulan plus setengah gaji bulan depannya hahahahaha gilaaaa mungkin gue merelakan makan dan minum aja ya selama sebulan setengah itu hahahaahhaah stresssss :))

gerbera_iris at BlackBerry®

pics courtesy of mba maia FD..

Aug 17, 2009

more than a month!! shame on me!!

okay it's been more than a month since i wrote on my blog???? shame on me!! lots and lots of update.. got my BF an NDS and i got most of the stuff on my makeup wishlist and even more (my rapelan is here!! hahahahah).. then i kinda got crazy on online shopping and my boyfriend think he need to do an intervention on me hahahah i am not that addicted sweety!!! oh and me and my sis got some free ticket to watch the proposal from FD!!! yeaayy!! but we haven't got a confirmation email from the editor so we'll just wait and see hehehe okay.. this is it for now.. i'm going to update with review on the beauty product, my haul, and ciciero bags !!
