Jan 15, 2010

Cheers dude!

Okay.. So I don't get it.. This guy thinks that he's the 'guy'.. You know, a guy who thinks that he's all that.. That every women wants him.. That every thing he done is amazing.. I'll admit that I know a couple of girls who think like that.. But did he really think I will feel the same way?? *indonesia mode :LOL:* iya gue curhat ma dia.. Iya gue minta nasehat dia... Tapi apa dengan kaya gitu trus gue harus fall head over heels gt ma dia?? Well that's freakin hilarious...
Nah sekarang? Kalo gue deket sama cowo laen, do he really need to act all jealous? Sementara dia ga punya hak to do that? Gue punya preference untuk crita ke org yg gue anggap nyaman.. Even my dearly beloved boyfriend aja ga masalah..
He really think kalo dia udah nguasain gue sama telah berhasil membuat gue jadi salah satu korban dia.. Well think again dude... It is so pathetic seeing him try to make me jealous while I feel nothing.. I don't care really tp it's start to bother me when he did it with my girl friends... Yes friends like 2 of my friends.. Sementara dia dan gue tau keadaan perasaan salah satu cewe ini yg lagi labil but nooo dia tetep 'gangguin' ni cewe.. Kadang I had enough with him.. His arrogance and everything.. Thank god I had this other friend kalo buat crita2...
He need to realize that he's not all that.. Dan dia harus sadar that this time he played a player, and he lose...
I never played a guy friend, but I'm good at manipulating.. I know it's not something to be proud of but this skill is very usefull on dealing this kind of situation.. You know the situation where you make the guy think that you're soo lugu *apa ya bahasa inggrisnya hahahahah* and very depending on him ?? I'm good at that.. Very damn good :LOL: it even take my then-bestfriend-now-boyfriend almost 2 years to know my hidden ability... do I sound like a b**ch?? Well I didn't really intend to manipulate, I'm just that easy going with my guy friend...
Inti post ini sebenernya just to give shout out to that dude.. Just a little message, this time i made you believe that you're a better player than me.. I made you believe that I became a player because of you.. I made you believe that you're some kind of a role model... But in the end.. it's not me who act jealous and its not me who act all weird when I'm close to another person...
Cheers dude :)
Gosh this post really made me look like a b**ch!!!
gerbera_iris at BlackBerry®


Gabhod said...

Hahhahaa... uuuuuuuu.. your actually showing your evil side beyb ^_^ hahhahaha.. but thats men for you beyb,acting all dominan and that.. pdahal ga tau aja.. aku aja udah brapa kali bow down to your evil side baik pada saat being your best friend and even when i'm your boyfriend... hehhee.. yes people she does that to me even now.. hiks hiks hiks.... hahahaha....

but its allright setidaknya ada yg jadi sacrifice your devilisih side so i'm kinda safe right now...right??? i hope so.. lol ;)

from yours trully always and always be korban of your devilisih side GABHOD :P

gerbera_iris said...

you're never safe beib..

always and forever beb!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ganas... :))
Garang... :))

Nggak tau kenapa aku ketawa setelah melakukan pesananmu, Ger.

Dasar m******ator! LOL